The life saving kit

from First15

More than 100,000 serious accidents occur each year. The first 15 minutes are the most essential for survival and preventing long-term effects.

The First15 Life saving kit contains all the important items needed. In addition, the kit includes clear instructions that anyone can follow to perform life-saving actions until professional medical help arrives.


The most complete package that saves lives in almost any situation

  • Everything you need to save a life.
  • Stress proof when it counts.
  • Stop that bleeding with one action.
  • Helpful tool for CPR.
  • Stable until emergency services arrive.


First15 is the missing link in a sometimes all-important time frame between a serious accident and the arrival of the paramedics of professional medical help, often - indeed - about 15 minutes.

With the kit at hand, anyone can start providing necessary first aid immediately.
Is that exciting? Sure, but thanks to a clear instruction chart and the right tools, the steps are crystal clear. And you can't go wrong, because doing something is always better than doing nothing.

What is

So is First15 some kind of first aid kit? No. In the event of catastrophic bleeding, respiratory problems or heart failure, gauze and iodine are of no use. Moreover, the first aid kit is full of stuff. This causes stress of choice and that is what you cannot deal with in a serious stressful situation.The fine motor skills disappear and you often just grab any object that is available. As a result, a lot of time is lost which is detrimental to the victim.

The package includes:

The Life saving kit contains only what you need and all the parts are intuitive to use and therefore stress-proof. And it is non-reclosable as well, so it’s always complete.

View the manual

Who is
First15 for?

With First15, anyone can help. Put the kit in your home, car, truck, cab, backpack, cargo bike or ski trunk. Are you a trained emergency responder? It is a nice specialization on FAFS and provides extra hands in a larger incident: while you help one injured person, bystanders take care of others.

The one-size-fits-all solution is inspired by the professional Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK), often used by the military, police and other government agencies worldwide.


In the car

In your workplace

In your backpack

Make a difference
with First15

No one can prevent accidents, but you can make sure You're prepared. The first 15 minutes of a major bleeding, breathing or circulatory problem are crucial, and with the First15 kit you can always help.


Witnessing an accident is intense, and under stress you can't think clearly. Our instruction card helps you take control of the situation step by step, even with clammy hands and sweat on your forehead. The drawings and short texts are universal and are in logical order.


Stop heavy bleeding on arm or leg with our self-developed, intuitive-to-use tourniquet. The design incorporates all our knowledge and experience in the military field. If the wound is in another area, apply as much pressure as possible with the trauma bandage.


If someone suffers cardiac arrest, the respirator helps you take over breathing and circulation.

Everything under

All actions performed? Keep the situation stable until the ambulance arrives. The instruction card and rescue blanket will help you do this.

Interested in a First15 life saving kit?


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